Monday 19 November 2012

Representation of gender and how this can create the characters within the short film

With the idea of creating a gangster based genre of a film, we needed to come up with characters that would look the way you would normal establish a gangster to look like. we then went on to doing research into the idea of characters as well as the way they way you would expect the characters to speak, with a deep voice, a cockney accent, a load mouth with a charm to his voice. we needed to pick a voice that would be easly established as a gangster which we then went with a cockney accent which we though was best suited for the role as well as we needed to get the voice right so we had to make sure the actors where able to speak in cockney, the narrator of the characters also was needed to make a cockney accent for the description of the characters. 
with creating a gangster based film you wouldn't regularly see women as a main character within the film as it is usually based around men reasons for this is that people see the representation of men to be strong figures that would get into fights and handle any situation.we needed to get a good feeling for what type of cloths a male modern day gangster would be wearing, this then went on to another peace of research which we then formed our costumes which we wore in our filming of our film.
Character Tommy: the way this character is shown is to be a traditional gangster who is a laid back character who isn't really interested in the business but can get down to to it if he needs to. being a man as all men do he is interested in checking out the ladies that catch his eye.  

Character Vinnie: the way the character is represented is that he is shown to have a old traditional view of things that if he wants something he expects to get it no matter who he has to go through to get it. he isn't shown to be much of and interest with the ladies so much, more interested in his job that needs to be finished.

I have chosen in creating these character as they believed to be more of a strong suited characters that are able to be names that are more common to the style of film i am wishing to complete and having these names i am able to present and work with the characters in order to be able to build on them for them to be the Wright sort of people for our short film. 


How does your media product represent  particular social groups?

with our media group we wanted to not aim it a a particular social group as there are so many out there all with their own different opinions about films and how they see then, because everyone can all have a different interpretation towards a film they may see. with social group it is normally that nearly everyone in that group all have the same opinions towards things for example watching a film the probably all like a genre that maybe we are not showing so that the film wouldn't appeal to them. if I had to decided which social group i believe it would appeal to the most I think it would show more interest to the people that maybe are interested in crime or gangster related as they may have been involved within them selves or their just interested by it, I could appeal the more of a violent kind maybe in the scene they believe as it is crime related or believe the film will involve theft as well as other sorts of crime.

Wednesday 25 April 2012


what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

While creating my media piece the filming proses of the work i was able to learn how to use a camera properly showing the right angles as well as where it should be placed at a certon scene, while creating my two minite beginning of a film I had to post updates of me progress through out how it is getting al as well at information about the scenes we are doing, as i was shown this on a blog I was able to learn features i didn't before like how to upload pictures as well as videos.
we needed to carry out a lot of research and i used the interent to find out about music that we would hopefully be using in our media piece we had to look for a non copyrighted music that was not attached to any label so that we where able to put it in our video without it being illegal. 
while making the video in the editing prosses I was able to learn how to cut clips of of media piece and change them around so that they fit as well as the effects putting them into the video which was something new to learn, while editing our media piece we needed to find a heading text for our film name so we went out to search for text that was suitable for our piece as well using the internet to find out what we needed. 

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Who would be the audience for your media product?

With our audience we wanted to allow it so a wide range of people where able to view the finished media piece, we wanted to give it a modern look about it but not contain violence as well as other scenes you may see within a crime film, we aimed it around the ages of 15 to 30 and on words the reason for this is that you wouldn't normally find younger children watching the sort of genre we where going for as well as the story line doesn't always appeal to them as they don't allays fully understand it, people ages in their 20s would have more of an in site into crime and gangs and could fine the media piece interesting to watch as it could appeal to them. It is also aimed at the male gender the reason towards this is that there are no female lead characters as well as the story line it has wouldn't normally interest women that much, but with men they enjoy watching a crime fine that is related around that sort of genre as it appeals to them, because the story line would usually interest men, but there are women who can tent to enjoy a crime/gangster based genre movie. 


How does your media product represent gender?

with the representation of gender with most crime/gangster genre films you will usually see that characters to be full on men characters giving a full representation of how you would picture a male person that would be involved with crime as well as other sorts of violence, we wanted to show the sane sort of traditional role you would normally see for the character but also but a modern sort of look towards how we would show gender and how it is seen. 

Group of teenagers: the group of teenagers are shown to be hanging around with a large group of people which is usually what they are established as showing a modern representation of how teenagers are seen which isn't allays how they should be established, also the teenagers are shown to be in a always behind houses out of sight from other people, this could mean that they are causing trouble or planing to do something in that neighbourhood. it is also argued that they could be causing trouble not just cause there is a lot of then as well as they are all boys and it is established that a lard group of lads would cause trouble at any time.

Two girls: although thee two extras where're only in it for one shot the way they where shown was to be in a modern, as they walk past the characters checks the girls out looking them up as they walk past he slowly walks from behind them, the reason for this is girls are normally seen as an object and that is shown in the clip which we where trying to get at as the character is to be told to be a ladies man. 

Main characters:

Vinnie: this hard tough characters is represented to the traditional representation of a male person, being shown as a male character he is shown to be violent at times, which could cause harm to others as well as the way he is speaking shows within deep voice of the character, Vinnie being a male character is shown to be the leader out of the group this could be represented that a male figure would normally show them selves as a head of a group, and Vinnie does this with his demanding attitude to others as well as how he can control the other character Tommy if he has to.  

Tommy: The way this character is represented was that he is shown to have a modern representation to the other characters, with his flirty attitude to everything as well as the cockney accent, being male he is also shown to be a tough character but isn't useallly wanting to get involved with other people if he doesn't have to which is also a representation of a male character withing a group as you can always find outsiders of a group the quiet ones that would normally stand at the back but is talkative when it comes down to it. 

Monday 23 April 2012


What kind of media institution might distribute your mediaproduct and why?

I think that the distribution company Vertigo would distribute our film the reason for this is that the company over time has shown to distributed a number of successful film from horror to action as well as comedy, the company itself isn't doesn't distribute that of a low budget films but the money put towards the film isn't as greater deal as you would normally see with higher more famous companies. I believe even though our film itself isn't that of a high budget being distributed could increase its popularity as well as would increase the numbers who would watch it even though it may be low budget the story to it would make the viewer want to watch it.
Films like Bronson, The Escapist, w Delta z and Outlaw are all crime related films which have the story line which is ether based around crime or has something to do with the involvement of it, as is our film Shifty which is based around two dealers who like to make a profit selling goods to people with a story behind it as well as a story to the characters.


in what way does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

we wanted to show our film opening similar to the film snatch, which was made in 2000 directed by Guy Ritchie. Ritchie had also made like lock stock and two smoking barrels another crime based film, there reasons for trying to get a similar look to the snatch opening was that what made us interested was the text on the opening how it spun around a lot as well as zoomed in on a couple of shots and it had a freeze frame showing one of the characters.
we decided to incorporate the ideas we had from that opening film but change them around so that they where could be our own unique way of showing the clips. we showed a zooming effect with one of the clips that introduced a character as well as a freeze frame.
what makes our film opening different from any other gangster/crime genre film is that we show our characters to have a different sort of personality than you would normal see even though one of the characters is stick to a traditional role of being a hard lad one is shown to be a ladies man which you wouldn't normally see in films even though we have stuck to normal clothing wear that is normally shown as well as the look within the filming has shown to be a modern look, with the background as well as extra characters that where shown.

Sunday 22 April 2012


how did you attract/address your audience?

the way we though of attracting an audience towards our production is that we chose to do some research into what type of gangster based genre films are out there, having a look at them we where able to get a picture of how people are seen as, how they act as well as talk like. We wanted to show a typical sciences you would normally see within films with our genre as well as the cloths the characters are wearing are shown to be a typical wear for someone within there business. as well as attracting the audience we choose to ask people how they thought a gangster genre movie would be shown, for example what scenarios would you see them in, how they would act around people, we wanted to no how our film could attract our audience range we didn't want to make it to over the top we wanted top allow it that people could think 'that looks like it could be interesting' wanting to find out what could happen next. 

Saturday 14 April 2012

Target Audience #2

we needed to have a age range in which our film would be suitable in, being a gangster based film most films with that type of genre contain a large amount of violence and language that certon ages wouldn't be able to watch. we believe that the target audience would be for around ages 15 and up the reasons would be that you wouldn't find a younger age watching a gangster based genre type of film with that it would allow the right age rage as well as there could also be scenes of selling goods as well of could contain valance and some language possibly.  

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Shot list #2

Shotlist #1

Shot list

After our filming that we have done we created a shot list that would allow us to understand how we had filmed as well as we can write down the characters or any unique features that would be in the shot. whilst filming we chose to take different angle shots as it would allow us to chose from which type of angle we can place in our final two minute film. writing down the shot would allow us to see angles we had filmed in as well as which scene goes where so that we can look at the shot list as we create a film.   

Monday 26 March 2012

Music research

With looking for the right music track to go over the top of our 2 minutes of a biginning of our film, we needed a piece of music that would last that amount of time.The type of music we where looking to find was an up beat tone that would go well with out genre that we are filming in, it took us a while in the search for the right music as the music we have to use had to be a non copyright materiel meaning that the artist couldn't be sighed to a music label. we now have found our music for the video and will be placing it over the top but it will be faded into the background as we are also having as voice over over the top of the music so the voice over will be louder than the music.   

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Group Responsobilities

Within my group there are 4 people involved in the making of our 2 minute video they are:
as well as myself Liam Conlon.

In our group we all have our part to play in the the making of the video.
Both me and Ryan are the characters in our film (Vinnie & Tommy) we play the main parts in  the video although we are in the video within our group Mabel and Christie are the two who are filming us in the video, although there are filming we like to take turns now and again so that we all have the chance to film different shots, this is also the same for the editing so that we all are able to get involved with the making of the video. 

First day of filming, location & character photo

This was first day of filming with Vinnie and Tommy, as it was our first filming session we decided to take a lot of camera shots even if we don't use all the video, we thought it was best so that we can get the right shot. With the first couple of shots, we filmed within a wooded area of both Vinnie and Tommy walking as well as we also took shots of them both walking alone.

With both characters fully in costume they are both wearing leather jackets which suit both the characters as well as their personality that we are trying to represent within the video.

with our first filming session we didn't brink our story bored so we weren't fully sure on the types of shots we had to film, but we filmed a couple of shots altogether and most of them turned out successful as we where able to perform different shot angles. we plan to improve our work and take a lot more camera shots so that we have a range to chose from within our film as well as we will be following our story bored a lot more closely so that we get are shots that we planned to do. 

Sunday 4 March 2012

Analysis Of The Godfather

Is the Genre Established? What is it?
the film itself is shown to have a dark feel to it as the show the first character as he is surrounded by a black background as he tells a tragic story about his family, at the beginning he is looking directly towards the camera giving it quite a scary look as he is looking right at you but as the camera pans around he is talking to a character who is sat in a chair, so far from what has been shown in the first two minutes I could say that it was gangster related from what is going on as well as the way it is being film I could also say that it could also possible be a thriller.
How is the Genre established? What convention are used? 
not much is shown in the fist two minutes of the film other than a man talking, a reason into why I assume this is a gangster type genre is that a shot is shown that every person in the room is that they are all wearing black suits that mobsters would wear as well as the man talking, takes about crime as well as violence people have put him and his family through. 
What else does the audience find out in the first 2 minutes? 
A main character is presented in the film the man sat in the chair listening to the guy speaking although he doesn't speak within the two minutes she shows a lot of intimidation as well as power over the other person as he is sat behind the desk higher up showing his level of power, as well as the company behind the film is shown at the beginning of the film as well as the film itself in the two minutes seems to give and scary look upon knowing that something could happen at any time. 
How does the audience find this out? 
with the beginning of the film a dramatic music is being played over the title's of the film as well as as it starts to go into the film but the music that is in there, starts to get you wondering what is going to happen cause the sound of the music is deep, making it just Wright for this type of film genre. 


With our company long we finally came up with a final decision onto how our logo should look we chose to have it the same sort of look to have the title is as it will be shown along with the title so that it will make both pieces of text stand out. we also went for a graffiti type of look with the text as it shows to stand out more from any other type of font.  

Saturday 3 March 2012

Final title design

in the final decision we decided on our logo font to have a edge about it, they way the font is shown is like it has been spray painted on which can usually be related to gangs, gangsters or just for art, in any case the title is shown to stand our from any other, the colour of the font will be black with big bold writing so that it is able to stand out as well as the letter are all shown in capitals. 

Discussing the Title of our Film

while talking about the film we would be making we decided as a group it would be a good idea to come up with a name for our film so that we could flash up on the screen at some point with the video that would show our name. the name we decided in the end to come up with describes the film as it is, we named it Crafty, the reason for this was that we needed a name that would both fit the characters as well as the story line that we have given to them, with both the characters being shady men who sell of dodge goods we though it would be good to give the film a name that just rounds it up altogether in one word we also tried out a range of different fonts to get this.

Discussing the location

With discussing the location we wanted to get something that would go well with the characters as well as the scenes that we will be showing we went out and did some test shoots as well as took some pictures the reason was this was that we needed to get an understanding for where the characters should be filmed  as well as with our genre being Gangster we needed the scenes to look as they would be in a gangster film meaning that they would need to look old as well as it needed to be a suitable place for us to film in. As with our two main characters at points in our two minute beginning of a film they are both in different locations meaning we would need to find two different places to film in so that the effect that the characters are apart from each other was able to work. 

Analysis of Pulp Fiction

Is the Genre Established? What is it?
the genre is hard to understand as within the first two minutes it is all based within a coffee shop so that you don't really get a good understanding of what is going on, there are two characters shown so far a man and a woman, the only way that I was able to maybe establish the genre was with their conversation that was going on they where both talking about stories of robbing banks as they think about that it mite be better than robbing licker stores which could mean that they have robed storeys in the past aiming to move up in the ranks, be the sounds of the story so far I would say the genre is crime related as well as could involve action.
How is the Genre established? What convention are used? 
the way the dialogue  is presented, the way they talk about committing a crime as well as how to co mite a better crime that could get them more money in the proses as well as how to get away with committing the crime without getting caught.
What else does the audience find out in the first 2 minutes? 
what else is established within the first two minutes was that it was established of a possible two of the main characters in the film as those two is the only ones with dialogue so far as we'll as they are the first to be shown in the film itself. it is allows shown the time period of the film when it was made that it has an oldish look towards the film, also what else is shown was the film company's long who was the makers behind the film which was shown right at the start of the film. 
How does the audience find this out? 
they way it was showmen to have an oldish look about the film was that the way they both where dress as it was shown they where wearing old cloths that you wouldn't see in the newer day an age as well as the dinner that they are in seems to look old as well as, the man himself is smoking in a restaurant whitish you wouldn't see in a modern film.  

Friday 2 March 2012


Vinnie (voiceover); Well here is Vinnie a young man, one hell of a grafter. This man could sell sand to the Arab’s, snow to the Eskimos and tax to the government he is so crafty. Yeah certainly brain of the operations.
(Shot changes to character Tommy)
Not like Tommy he is what we call a bit of a wet towel, completely and utterly useless but he is a smooth talker with the ladies. God knows why with a face like that (Freeze-frame photo of Tommy looking rough). We always reckon he was a mummy’s boy.

(On screen talking now)
Vinnie; Tommy what do you see around here?
Tommy; Nothing much Vinnie, buildings houses streets
Vinnie; No Tommy, it is an ocean around here, and it is full of sharks Rule number 10 NEVER TRUST NO-ONE
Voiceover; Tommy is Vinnie’s best friend and Tommy looks up to Vinnie like an older brother but he would never cross him. Vinnie is teaching Tommy rules of the way.
Tommy; What was rule number nine again Vinnie
(Voiceover) like I said Vinnie is the brains of the operation.

Draft of the Script

Scrip draft/ film ideas

Story plot over Vinnie and Tommy as they where growing up.

Idea #1
Tommy needs to use the phone, walking over to some ladies he asked politely if he is able to use one of their phones, saying yes they hand him the phone, making a quick call he hangs up and starts talking to the women as they are distracted he quickly removes the simcard and places the phone back together with ought the people knowing, politely saying thank you she walks of with a smile on 
Idea #2
First extreme close up of vinnies clothing (shoes, buttons on the jacket)  close up of the back of the head paned around to he side of vinnies face.
Idea #3 Voice over (narrative) Cockney accent
Well here is Vinnie a young man one well of a grafter this man could sell sand to the Arabs, snow to the Eskimos. Clearly the brains of the operation.
Not like Tommy he what you could call a bit of a wet towel and complete and utterly useless, he may have his flaws but surprisingly he is a smooth talker with the ladies and can win over any woman.
As this is going on shots of Tommy walking to meet Vinnie, with a crosscut  between both characters. Vinnie walking around the corner.
Tommy: Hello Vinnie were we of to today
Vinnie: going to be making some money you better be on your top game today
Tommy: I'm always on game mate a grafter, hard working as they come.
Vinnie: don't make me laugh you dummy. You are just a cocky flirt 

Preliminary video summery

With filming the preliminary video we used match on action to show the characters as well as over the shoulder shots. them length of the video is around 30 seconds, we tried to place in a number of shots within the video as we had only a short space to film in as well as there has also been some dialog shown in the preliminary as well as a couple of props of lolly's and headphones. 

Preliminary video


With filming our two minute video we need to think about how the lighting will effect our video for example if we where using natural light from outside, we cant film in the morning and stop half way through and wait until later on in the day as the lighting will change,  making the video look off from the rest of the video. the same goes for inside if we are where to be using a light source inside the lighting will be changed if we where to move around. her are a couple of techniques of lighting:

  • Background lighting
  • Cameo lighting
  • Fill light
  • Flood lighting
  • High-key lighting
  • Key Lighting
  • Lens flare
  • Low-key lighting
  • Mood lighting
  • Rembrandt lighting
  • Stage lighting
  • Soft light

Thursday 1 March 2012

character profile: Clarie

with Claire she can be really quiet around new people that she has met for the first time but once she has gotten to know they she is a fun, bubbly person. Claire and Louise are both very two close friends I don't think there has ever been a time when you haven't seen them together. being the quiet one she is normally in the background of things but once she gets confident she is always up for a laugh. 

character profile: Louise

there isn't much about l Louise you hardly ever see her around the neighbourhood she allays is hanging out with her friends, she is mostly always seen with her good friend Claire they like to chat a lot and I mean a lot they are normally seen hanging around on the street corners also around field areas. she knows both Vinnie and Tommy pretty well as they see each other around the streets and like to chat now and then, she always likes to flirt when it comes down to boys.  

possible fonts for the Logo

with thinking about a company name, we though it would be best to have a choice of logo font that are all shown in different ways so that we could have a range to chose from. having those options to pick from gave us more font to chose from as well as to establish how big we wont the font to be.L.M.R.C films is the logo that we have given our film company we chose to pick those four letters as they are all the first letters of our names who are within the group, we though it was only fair that everyone's names was placed in the logo as we are all apart of making the video.

Possible Target Audience #1 Tim Wilkins

for my target audience I went around asking people what kinds of films they watch and what makes them interested in watching it.
Tim Wilkins a 17 year old student was among those people I asked. out of his film genres he enjoys watching gangster related films that have be filled with non stop action as well as a film involve crime for example pulp fiction which was among his favourite film choice, the reason why Tim likes to watch these types of films is that you don't see many good ones around any more, so finding a good gangster film is something that you should always watch. although he enjoys watching gangster films, Tims favourite genre is comedy/action  as he enjoys films like the hangover where there is a funny story line to the film and you never can expect the thing that are to happen.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Character profile:Tommy

Well don't be put off by the way Tommy is shown he may not be the brightness person there ever was but he has his good qualities like...... um ill have to think more about that one and get back to you. Tommy has always been one with the ladies when it comes down to it he can always smooth talk a girl that catches his eye no matter what, he just has that charm about him. Tommy is vinnies right hand man, his parter in crime other than that they are best mates they look out for one another, Tommy knows that vinnie will be there when he getting into trouble and with vinne that mostly happens all the time its normally that Tommy causes trouble or trouble normally finds him he just can escape. Tommy isn't really a seller when it comes down to it he maybe a good talker but he just cant get his head around selling goods but he is always there to lend a hand to vinnie when he needs it.  

Character Profile: Vinnie

well let me tell you something about vinnie, if your going to start something with him done expect not to come out without a black eye, no one and I mean no one messes with vinnie. yeah you may get the impression he is a rough guy but he has feelings well maybe just some, vinnie is known for his voice I no this may be a bit strange but he has a gift he is able to draw people in, as vinnie is a sells man it always comes in handy when he is talking with a buyer.Vinnie is the main man of the game but always counts on his best mate Tommy to ever get him out of a jam if it was needed, vinnie is the brains of the operation being able to gather the good as well as sell them on for a reasonable price.

actors that have been involved in Gangster films

Story Board

Tuesday 28 February 2012

test shots/ locations

The video that is shown on the left is shot that where taken outside while we where trying out different filming techniques as well as we where able to get a little understanding of how the characters will act as well as walk and even presented on camera. 

Friday 24 February 2012

Clothes ideas for characters

character test shots

we where able to take some character test shots, we chose to do this to try and established the sort of characters that will be shown. we where trying to get the characters to have a rough look about them as well as making them look like something is about to happen.we chose to take three pictures so that we could test out how we will show the characters as well as which one best suits the characters personality. the top picture we chose to show as it gives a long shot of the characters walking up a street lane, we took this picture as within our film we have discuses the characters walking up a lane and we though we could test it out. 

Test shoots

Low Angle

We chose to take some test shots of areas that could be shown within our two minute film we chose to take a picture of a street corner as this location could be one of the places the characters will be shown. 

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Planning, locations, costumes, props and types of shots that will be used

Before we started to film we chose to sit round a table as a group and discussed how we will go about filming our 2 minute beginning of a film, as well as the props,costumes and locations that we will be using. We chose to do this so that when wee are filming we have everything prepared beforehand on how we will lay it out. we needed to do discuses the props that we will be using so that we can get them before hand if necessary and as well as the same for the costumes as we would need to find gangster looking clothing. The one of the most important topics was the locations as we would all need to agree on a location that suits best for our films and that would work well with our genre.

Prop ideas
Baseball bat
Mobile Phones/ CD's 
suit case 

Costume ideas
black shoes 
black suit 
smart black trousers 

Location Ideas
street corner 
street roads 

Shot types that mite be used 
mid shots
long shots 
high angle shots
close up shot 
extreme close up 

Friday 10 February 2012

Films related to my Genre

Here are a couple of films that are related to my genre. they all have a gangster based story line or that the film is related to a group of gangsters.The films that have a Gangster genre are.:
  • Snatch
  • Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 
  • The Godfather/Part 2 /Part 3 
  • Scarface 
  • Pulp fiction
  • Goodfellas  

Thursday 2 February 2012

Skeleton Key

Is the Genre Established? What is it?
with the fist two minutes of the film it  isn't clearly established that well, but from what is shown as well as the background and the location of the film, within the first two minutes with the start it would have to be that the film is going to be a type of thriller, or even a dram. knowing what has been presented to the audience in the beginning. 
How is the Genre established? What convention are used? 
The music that is played in the background of the film within the two minutes is very dull as well as keeping it to and unhappy theme this also goes well with the location of beginning of the film. The film is set at the beginning in a hospital, with this location it gives a very dull feel to the beginning as well as you wouldn't normally see a hospital in the beginning of a film as it creates a unhappy feel and it is a place where people are getting better as well as passing away. 
What else does the audience find out in the first 2 minutes? 
With the first two minutes it is easily established that this film wont be the happiest film ever as within the fist minute, death was shown within a hospital, as someone passes away, with this it isn't the nicest thing to show in the film at such an early on stage. with what they have show in the two minutes you  understand that this film could involve some other types of deaths within the film or that it could be relaeted around the subject of someone that has died. 
How does the audience find this out? 
The location is well established that it is a hospital as there are nurses as well a patients presented, as well as with the film mood so far the weather seems to be bright and sunny which brings a more nicer feel to the film even though there has just been an incident of death. 

Arlington Road

Is the Genre Established? What is it?
With the genre is hard to understand as the beginning of the film can be confusing a little, the main genre of the film is actually a political thriller. with the thriller it is a very dramatic begging of the film which makes you think what has happened, making you to want to watch the rest to find out what has happened. 
How is the Genre established? What convention are used? 
It is shown in the first two minutes that a boy i walking down a road slowly as it cuts back and forth between shots, showing an uneasiness about the situation, you realize as the clip goes on that the boys arm has been badly burned causing him to bleed out a lot over the street.
What else does the audience find out in the first 2 minutes? 
As the boy walks down the street you are able to realize it is based in america as the way the street is shown with the houses as well as the look and the way the street is presented. also the main character is shown as a man stops his car to help the boy, meeting the character at the beginning allows to see the actor playing in the fil as well as a sort of person the man is, as he goes to help the boy showing he is a kind hearted person willing to help other.
How does the audience find this out? 
When the boy is shown, he doesn't speak at all while walking down the street, the only one that is shown to have any type of dialogue it the man going to help him indicating he has some sunificance towards the movie as well as the first character to speak.

Monday 30 January 2012

The Departed

Is the Genre Established? What is it?
Within the first 2 minutes of the Departed it is established that the film involves around crime as well as gangster conflicts as it is shown to be within a city which you assume  the film is being based in as well as there is violence where there has shown to be riots and lots of fights/ protesting  as well as money laundering which is usually involves gangsters.  
How is the Genre established? What convention are used? 
The way the genre established is that through out the clip, violence is shown throughout in different ways with police cars driving past with there lights flashing letting the audience no that there is something going on. with the  violence they show clips of riots that have taken place so that the audience understands there will be conflict within the film. there are also other aspects in the film that you find out as there are part that would relate to racism as well as the money that is shown to be past around which gangsters usually involve themselves with. 
What else does the audience find out in the first 2 minutes? 
Well it is already well established that the film is going to be based around crime violence which will involve some sort gangster involvement. Within the 2 minutes of the clip one of the antagonistic is show but only toward the end of the two minutes, but the way he is shown is that his face is covered by the dark so that you cant see him, they could of done this for a number of reason, maybe they though it was best to cover his face so that the suspense of finding out who he is it grown for the audience watching.
How does the audience find this out? 
Within the 2 minute Clip it is shown to be a large group of people fighting between one another, the way it is show is that the clip looks to be quit old footage that would of been filmed by someone withing the cowed of people that where fighting. as well as how the money laundering is to be show, is that a man is to be shown in a cafe handing over a large sum money to a dark figured man, which could be seen as a sort of money transfer between people.  

Something about merry

Is the Genre Established? What is it?
The film 'there is something about marry', within the first 2 minutes it is realized that this film will be a romantic as well as giving a comedy aspect to it as there are familiar faces that are known for being comedians.
How is the Genre established? What convention are used? 
With the Genre of the film it is well established as the camera pans around onto a tall tree overlooking a school, with two men placed in it one playing a little drum and the other on a guitar, with romantic scenes this could be seen as they are singing in a tree which is usually showed to be a romantic way to sing to a woman.
What else does the audience find out in the first 2 minutes? 
It is well established that the film is going to be based around a woman called marry, as you get from the title of the film as well as within the two minutes you meet one of the main characters within the film which is payed by 'Ben Stiller'. 
How does the audience find this out? 
With the film being a comedy it is easy to recognize as there are a bunch of comedians in the film such as 'Ben Stiller' and also 'Lee Evans' who is a famous comedian, with these characters you understand that the film will be shown in a funny/romantic way. 

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Main Task

The title and opening of a new fiction film

Preliminary Exercise

community tasks involve filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room then sitting down in a chair opposite another character with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines with dialog. this task should demon straight a match on action shot and the 180 degree rule.