Monday, 23 April 2012


What kind of media institution might distribute your mediaproduct and why?

I think that the distribution company Vertigo would distribute our film the reason for this is that the company over time has shown to distributed a number of successful film from horror to action as well as comedy, the company itself isn't doesn't distribute that of a low budget films but the money put towards the film isn't as greater deal as you would normally see with higher more famous companies. I believe even though our film itself isn't that of a high budget being distributed could increase its popularity as well as would increase the numbers who would watch it even though it may be low budget the story to it would make the viewer want to watch it.
Films like Bronson, The Escapist, w Delta z and Outlaw are all crime related films which have the story line which is ether based around crime or has something to do with the involvement of it, as is our film Shifty which is based around two dealers who like to make a profit selling goods to people with a story behind it as well as a story to the characters.

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