Sunday 22 April 2012


how did you attract/address your audience?

the way we though of attracting an audience towards our production is that we chose to do some research into what type of gangster based genre films are out there, having a look at them we where able to get a picture of how people are seen as, how they act as well as talk like. We wanted to show a typical sciences you would normally see within films with our genre as well as the cloths the characters are wearing are shown to be a typical wear for someone within there business. as well as attracting the audience we choose to ask people how they thought a gangster genre movie would be shown, for example what scenarios would you see them in, how they would act around people, we wanted to no how our film could attract our audience range we didn't want to make it to over the top we wanted top allow it that people could think 'that looks like it could be interesting' wanting to find out what could happen next. 

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