Wednesday 25 April 2012


what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

While creating my media piece the filming proses of the work i was able to learn how to use a camera properly showing the right angles as well as where it should be placed at a certon scene, while creating my two minite beginning of a film I had to post updates of me progress through out how it is getting al as well at information about the scenes we are doing, as i was shown this on a blog I was able to learn features i didn't before like how to upload pictures as well as videos.
we needed to carry out a lot of research and i used the interent to find out about music that we would hopefully be using in our media piece we had to look for a non copyrighted music that was not attached to any label so that we where able to put it in our video without it being illegal. 
while making the video in the editing prosses I was able to learn how to cut clips of of media piece and change them around so that they fit as well as the effects putting them into the video which was something new to learn, while editing our media piece we needed to find a heading text for our film name so we went out to search for text that was suitable for our piece as well using the internet to find out what we needed. 

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