Tuesday 24 April 2012


Who would be the audience for your media product?

With our audience we wanted to allow it so a wide range of people where able to view the finished media piece, we wanted to give it a modern look about it but not contain violence as well as other scenes you may see within a crime film, we aimed it around the ages of 15 to 30 and on words the reason for this is that you wouldn't normally find younger children watching the sort of genre we where going for as well as the story line doesn't always appeal to them as they don't allays fully understand it, people ages in their 20s would have more of an in site into crime and gangs and could fine the media piece interesting to watch as it could appeal to them. It is also aimed at the male gender the reason towards this is that there are no female lead characters as well as the story line it has wouldn't normally interest women that much, but with men they enjoy watching a crime fine that is related around that sort of genre as it appeals to them, because the story line would usually interest men, but there are women who can tent to enjoy a crime/gangster based genre movie. 

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