Sunday 4 March 2012

Analysis Of The Godfather

Is the Genre Established? What is it?
the film itself is shown to have a dark feel to it as the show the first character as he is surrounded by a black background as he tells a tragic story about his family, at the beginning he is looking directly towards the camera giving it quite a scary look as he is looking right at you but as the camera pans around he is talking to a character who is sat in a chair, so far from what has been shown in the first two minutes I could say that it was gangster related from what is going on as well as the way it is being film I could also say that it could also possible be a thriller.
How is the Genre established? What convention are used? 
not much is shown in the fist two minutes of the film other than a man talking, a reason into why I assume this is a gangster type genre is that a shot is shown that every person in the room is that they are all wearing black suits that mobsters would wear as well as the man talking, takes about crime as well as violence people have put him and his family through. 
What else does the audience find out in the first 2 minutes? 
A main character is presented in the film the man sat in the chair listening to the guy speaking although he doesn't speak within the two minutes she shows a lot of intimidation as well as power over the other person as he is sat behind the desk higher up showing his level of power, as well as the company behind the film is shown at the beginning of the film as well as the film itself in the two minutes seems to give and scary look upon knowing that something could happen at any time. 
How does the audience find this out? 
with the beginning of the film a dramatic music is being played over the title's of the film as well as as it starts to go into the film but the music that is in there, starts to get you wondering what is going to happen cause the sound of the music is deep, making it just Wright for this type of film genre. 

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