Friday 2 March 2012

Draft of the Script

Scrip draft/ film ideas

Story plot over Vinnie and Tommy as they where growing up.

Idea #1
Tommy needs to use the phone, walking over to some ladies he asked politely if he is able to use one of their phones, saying yes they hand him the phone, making a quick call he hangs up and starts talking to the women as they are distracted he quickly removes the simcard and places the phone back together with ought the people knowing, politely saying thank you she walks of with a smile on 
Idea #2
First extreme close up of vinnies clothing (shoes, buttons on the jacket)  close up of the back of the head paned around to he side of vinnies face.
Idea #3 Voice over (narrative) Cockney accent
Well here is Vinnie a young man one well of a grafter this man could sell sand to the Arabs, snow to the Eskimos. Clearly the brains of the operation.
Not like Tommy he what you could call a bit of a wet towel and complete and utterly useless, he may have his flaws but surprisingly he is a smooth talker with the ladies and can win over any woman.
As this is going on shots of Tommy walking to meet Vinnie, with a crosscut  between both characters. Vinnie walking around the corner.
Tommy: Hello Vinnie were we of to today
Vinnie: going to be making some money you better be on your top game today
Tommy: I'm always on game mate a grafter, hard working as they come.
Vinnie: don't make me laugh you dummy. You are just a cocky flirt 

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