Saturday 3 March 2012

Analysis of Pulp Fiction

Is the Genre Established? What is it?
the genre is hard to understand as within the first two minutes it is all based within a coffee shop so that you don't really get a good understanding of what is going on, there are two characters shown so far a man and a woman, the only way that I was able to maybe establish the genre was with their conversation that was going on they where both talking about stories of robbing banks as they think about that it mite be better than robbing licker stores which could mean that they have robed storeys in the past aiming to move up in the ranks, be the sounds of the story so far I would say the genre is crime related as well as could involve action.
How is the Genre established? What convention are used? 
the way the dialogue  is presented, the way they talk about committing a crime as well as how to co mite a better crime that could get them more money in the proses as well as how to get away with committing the crime without getting caught.
What else does the audience find out in the first 2 minutes? 
what else is established within the first two minutes was that it was established of a possible two of the main characters in the film as those two is the only ones with dialogue so far as we'll as they are the first to be shown in the film itself. it is allows shown the time period of the film when it was made that it has an oldish look towards the film, also what else is shown was the film company's long who was the makers behind the film which was shown right at the start of the film. 
How does the audience find this out? 
they way it was showmen to have an oldish look about the film was that the way they both where dress as it was shown they where wearing old cloths that you wouldn't see in the newer day an age as well as the dinner that they are in seems to look old as well as, the man himself is smoking in a restaurant whitish you wouldn't see in a modern film.  

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