Thursday 2 February 2012

Skeleton Key

Is the Genre Established? What is it?
with the fist two minutes of the film it  isn't clearly established that well, but from what is shown as well as the background and the location of the film, within the first two minutes with the start it would have to be that the film is going to be a type of thriller, or even a dram. knowing what has been presented to the audience in the beginning. 
How is the Genre established? What convention are used? 
The music that is played in the background of the film within the two minutes is very dull as well as keeping it to and unhappy theme this also goes well with the location of beginning of the film. The film is set at the beginning in a hospital, with this location it gives a very dull feel to the beginning as well as you wouldn't normally see a hospital in the beginning of a film as it creates a unhappy feel and it is a place where people are getting better as well as passing away. 
What else does the audience find out in the first 2 minutes? 
With the first two minutes it is easily established that this film wont be the happiest film ever as within the fist minute, death was shown within a hospital, as someone passes away, with this it isn't the nicest thing to show in the film at such an early on stage. with what they have show in the two minutes you  understand that this film could involve some other types of deaths within the film or that it could be relaeted around the subject of someone that has died. 
How does the audience find this out? 
The location is well established that it is a hospital as there are nurses as well a patients presented, as well as with the film mood so far the weather seems to be bright and sunny which brings a more nicer feel to the film even though there has just been an incident of death. 

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