Wednesday 25 April 2012


what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

While creating my media piece the filming proses of the work i was able to learn how to use a camera properly showing the right angles as well as where it should be placed at a certon scene, while creating my two minite beginning of a film I had to post updates of me progress through out how it is getting al as well at information about the scenes we are doing, as i was shown this on a blog I was able to learn features i didn't before like how to upload pictures as well as videos.
we needed to carry out a lot of research and i used the interent to find out about music that we would hopefully be using in our media piece we had to look for a non copyrighted music that was not attached to any label so that we where able to put it in our video without it being illegal. 
while making the video in the editing prosses I was able to learn how to cut clips of of media piece and change them around so that they fit as well as the effects putting them into the video which was something new to learn, while editing our media piece we needed to find a heading text for our film name so we went out to search for text that was suitable for our piece as well using the internet to find out what we needed. 

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Who would be the audience for your media product?

With our audience we wanted to allow it so a wide range of people where able to view the finished media piece, we wanted to give it a modern look about it but not contain violence as well as other scenes you may see within a crime film, we aimed it around the ages of 15 to 30 and on words the reason for this is that you wouldn't normally find younger children watching the sort of genre we where going for as well as the story line doesn't always appeal to them as they don't allays fully understand it, people ages in their 20s would have more of an in site into crime and gangs and could fine the media piece interesting to watch as it could appeal to them. It is also aimed at the male gender the reason towards this is that there are no female lead characters as well as the story line it has wouldn't normally interest women that much, but with men they enjoy watching a crime fine that is related around that sort of genre as it appeals to them, because the story line would usually interest men, but there are women who can tent to enjoy a crime/gangster based genre movie. 


How does your media product represent gender?

with the representation of gender with most crime/gangster genre films you will usually see that characters to be full on men characters giving a full representation of how you would picture a male person that would be involved with crime as well as other sorts of violence, we wanted to show the sane sort of traditional role you would normally see for the character but also but a modern sort of look towards how we would show gender and how it is seen. 

Group of teenagers: the group of teenagers are shown to be hanging around with a large group of people which is usually what they are established as showing a modern representation of how teenagers are seen which isn't allays how they should be established, also the teenagers are shown to be in a always behind houses out of sight from other people, this could mean that they are causing trouble or planing to do something in that neighbourhood. it is also argued that they could be causing trouble not just cause there is a lot of then as well as they are all boys and it is established that a lard group of lads would cause trouble at any time.

Two girls: although thee two extras where're only in it for one shot the way they where shown was to be in a modern, as they walk past the characters checks the girls out looking them up as they walk past he slowly walks from behind them, the reason for this is girls are normally seen as an object and that is shown in the clip which we where trying to get at as the character is to be told to be a ladies man. 

Main characters:

Vinnie: this hard tough characters is represented to the traditional representation of a male person, being shown as a male character he is shown to be violent at times, which could cause harm to others as well as the way he is speaking shows within deep voice of the character, Vinnie being a male character is shown to be the leader out of the group this could be represented that a male figure would normally show them selves as a head of a group, and Vinnie does this with his demanding attitude to others as well as how he can control the other character Tommy if he has to.  

Tommy: The way this character is represented was that he is shown to have a modern representation to the other characters, with his flirty attitude to everything as well as the cockney accent, being male he is also shown to be a tough character but isn't useallly wanting to get involved with other people if he doesn't have to which is also a representation of a male character withing a group as you can always find outsiders of a group the quiet ones that would normally stand at the back but is talkative when it comes down to it. 

Monday 23 April 2012


What kind of media institution might distribute your mediaproduct and why?

I think that the distribution company Vertigo would distribute our film the reason for this is that the company over time has shown to distributed a number of successful film from horror to action as well as comedy, the company itself isn't doesn't distribute that of a low budget films but the money put towards the film isn't as greater deal as you would normally see with higher more famous companies. I believe even though our film itself isn't that of a high budget being distributed could increase its popularity as well as would increase the numbers who would watch it even though it may be low budget the story to it would make the viewer want to watch it.
Films like Bronson, The Escapist, w Delta z and Outlaw are all crime related films which have the story line which is ether based around crime or has something to do with the involvement of it, as is our film Shifty which is based around two dealers who like to make a profit selling goods to people with a story behind it as well as a story to the characters.


in what way does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

we wanted to show our film opening similar to the film snatch, which was made in 2000 directed by Guy Ritchie. Ritchie had also made like lock stock and two smoking barrels another crime based film, there reasons for trying to get a similar look to the snatch opening was that what made us interested was the text on the opening how it spun around a lot as well as zoomed in on a couple of shots and it had a freeze frame showing one of the characters.
we decided to incorporate the ideas we had from that opening film but change them around so that they where could be our own unique way of showing the clips. we showed a zooming effect with one of the clips that introduced a character as well as a freeze frame.
what makes our film opening different from any other gangster/crime genre film is that we show our characters to have a different sort of personality than you would normal see even though one of the characters is stick to a traditional role of being a hard lad one is shown to be a ladies man which you wouldn't normally see in films even though we have stuck to normal clothing wear that is normally shown as well as the look within the filming has shown to be a modern look, with the background as well as extra characters that where shown.

Sunday 22 April 2012


how did you attract/address your audience?

the way we though of attracting an audience towards our production is that we chose to do some research into what type of gangster based genre films are out there, having a look at them we where able to get a picture of how people are seen as, how they act as well as talk like. We wanted to show a typical sciences you would normally see within films with our genre as well as the cloths the characters are wearing are shown to be a typical wear for someone within there business. as well as attracting the audience we choose to ask people how they thought a gangster genre movie would be shown, for example what scenarios would you see them in, how they would act around people, we wanted to no how our film could attract our audience range we didn't want to make it to over the top we wanted top allow it that people could think 'that looks like it could be interesting' wanting to find out what could happen next. 

Saturday 14 April 2012

Target Audience #2

we needed to have a age range in which our film would be suitable in, being a gangster based film most films with that type of genre contain a large amount of violence and language that certon ages wouldn't be able to watch. we believe that the target audience would be for around ages 15 and up the reasons would be that you wouldn't find a younger age watching a gangster based genre type of film with that it would allow the right age rage as well as there could also be scenes of selling goods as well of could contain valance and some language possibly.  

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Shot list #2

Shotlist #1

Shot list

After our filming that we have done we created a shot list that would allow us to understand how we had filmed as well as we can write down the characters or any unique features that would be in the shot. whilst filming we chose to take different angle shots as it would allow us to chose from which type of angle we can place in our final two minute film. writing down the shot would allow us to see angles we had filmed in as well as which scene goes where so that we can look at the shot list as we create a film.