Wednesday 29 February 2012

Character profile:Tommy

Well don't be put off by the way Tommy is shown he may not be the brightness person there ever was but he has his good qualities like...... um ill have to think more about that one and get back to you. Tommy has always been one with the ladies when it comes down to it he can always smooth talk a girl that catches his eye no matter what, he just has that charm about him. Tommy is vinnies right hand man, his parter in crime other than that they are best mates they look out for one another, Tommy knows that vinnie will be there when he getting into trouble and with vinne that mostly happens all the time its normally that Tommy causes trouble or trouble normally finds him he just can escape. Tommy isn't really a seller when it comes down to it he maybe a good talker but he just cant get his head around selling goods but he is always there to lend a hand to vinnie when he needs it.  

Character Profile: Vinnie

well let me tell you something about vinnie, if your going to start something with him done expect not to come out without a black eye, no one and I mean no one messes with vinnie. yeah you may get the impression he is a rough guy but he has feelings well maybe just some, vinnie is known for his voice I no this may be a bit strange but he has a gift he is able to draw people in, as vinnie is a sells man it always comes in handy when he is talking with a buyer.Vinnie is the main man of the game but always counts on his best mate Tommy to ever get him out of a jam if it was needed, vinnie is the brains of the operation being able to gather the good as well as sell them on for a reasonable price.

actors that have been involved in Gangster films

Story Board

Tuesday 28 February 2012

test shots/ locations

The video that is shown on the left is shot that where taken outside while we where trying out different filming techniques as well as we where able to get a little understanding of how the characters will act as well as walk and even presented on camera. 

Friday 24 February 2012

Clothes ideas for characters

character test shots

we where able to take some character test shots, we chose to do this to try and established the sort of characters that will be shown. we where trying to get the characters to have a rough look about them as well as making them look like something is about to happen.we chose to take three pictures so that we could test out how we will show the characters as well as which one best suits the characters personality. the top picture we chose to show as it gives a long shot of the characters walking up a street lane, we took this picture as within our film we have discuses the characters walking up a lane and we though we could test it out. 

Test shoots

Low Angle

We chose to take some test shots of areas that could be shown within our two minute film we chose to take a picture of a street corner as this location could be one of the places the characters will be shown. 

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Planning, locations, costumes, props and types of shots that will be used

Before we started to film we chose to sit round a table as a group and discussed how we will go about filming our 2 minute beginning of a film, as well as the props,costumes and locations that we will be using. We chose to do this so that when wee are filming we have everything prepared beforehand on how we will lay it out. we needed to do discuses the props that we will be using so that we can get them before hand if necessary and as well as the same for the costumes as we would need to find gangster looking clothing. The one of the most important topics was the locations as we would all need to agree on a location that suits best for our films and that would work well with our genre.

Prop ideas
Baseball bat
Mobile Phones/ CD's 
suit case 

Costume ideas
black shoes 
black suit 
smart black trousers 

Location Ideas
street corner 
street roads 

Shot types that mite be used 
mid shots
long shots 
high angle shots
close up shot 
extreme close up 

Friday 10 February 2012

Films related to my Genre

Here are a couple of films that are related to my genre. they all have a gangster based story line or that the film is related to a group of gangsters.The films that have a Gangster genre are.:
  • Snatch
  • Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 
  • The Godfather/Part 2 /Part 3 
  • Scarface 
  • Pulp fiction
  • Goodfellas  

Thursday 2 February 2012

Skeleton Key

Is the Genre Established? What is it?
with the fist two minutes of the film it  isn't clearly established that well, but from what is shown as well as the background and the location of the film, within the first two minutes with the start it would have to be that the film is going to be a type of thriller, or even a dram. knowing what has been presented to the audience in the beginning. 
How is the Genre established? What convention are used? 
The music that is played in the background of the film within the two minutes is very dull as well as keeping it to and unhappy theme this also goes well with the location of beginning of the film. The film is set at the beginning in a hospital, with this location it gives a very dull feel to the beginning as well as you wouldn't normally see a hospital in the beginning of a film as it creates a unhappy feel and it is a place where people are getting better as well as passing away. 
What else does the audience find out in the first 2 minutes? 
With the first two minutes it is easily established that this film wont be the happiest film ever as within the fist minute, death was shown within a hospital, as someone passes away, with this it isn't the nicest thing to show in the film at such an early on stage. with what they have show in the two minutes you  understand that this film could involve some other types of deaths within the film or that it could be relaeted around the subject of someone that has died. 
How does the audience find this out? 
The location is well established that it is a hospital as there are nurses as well a patients presented, as well as with the film mood so far the weather seems to be bright and sunny which brings a more nicer feel to the film even though there has just been an incident of death. 

Arlington Road

Is the Genre Established? What is it?
With the genre is hard to understand as the beginning of the film can be confusing a little, the main genre of the film is actually a political thriller. with the thriller it is a very dramatic begging of the film which makes you think what has happened, making you to want to watch the rest to find out what has happened. 
How is the Genre established? What convention are used? 
It is shown in the first two minutes that a boy i walking down a road slowly as it cuts back and forth between shots, showing an uneasiness about the situation, you realize as the clip goes on that the boys arm has been badly burned causing him to bleed out a lot over the street.
What else does the audience find out in the first 2 minutes? 
As the boy walks down the street you are able to realize it is based in america as the way the street is shown with the houses as well as the look and the way the street is presented. also the main character is shown as a man stops his car to help the boy, meeting the character at the beginning allows to see the actor playing in the fil as well as a sort of person the man is, as he goes to help the boy showing he is a kind hearted person willing to help other.
How does the audience find this out? 
When the boy is shown, he doesn't speak at all while walking down the street, the only one that is shown to have any type of dialogue it the man going to help him indicating he has some sunificance towards the movie as well as the first character to speak.