Monday 19 November 2012

Representation of gender and how this can create the characters within the short film

With the idea of creating a gangster based genre of a film, we needed to come up with characters that would look the way you would normal establish a gangster to look like. we then went on to doing research into the idea of characters as well as the way they way you would expect the characters to speak, with a deep voice, a cockney accent, a load mouth with a charm to his voice. we needed to pick a voice that would be easly established as a gangster which we then went with a cockney accent which we though was best suited for the role as well as we needed to get the voice right so we had to make sure the actors where able to speak in cockney, the narrator of the characters also was needed to make a cockney accent for the description of the characters. 
with creating a gangster based film you wouldn't regularly see women as a main character within the film as it is usually based around men reasons for this is that people see the representation of men to be strong figures that would get into fights and handle any situation.we needed to get a good feeling for what type of cloths a male modern day gangster would be wearing, this then went on to another peace of research which we then formed our costumes which we wore in our filming of our film.
Character Tommy: the way this character is shown is to be a traditional gangster who is a laid back character who isn't really interested in the business but can get down to to it if he needs to. being a man as all men do he is interested in checking out the ladies that catch his eye.  

Character Vinnie: the way the character is represented is that he is shown to have a old traditional view of things that if he wants something he expects to get it no matter who he has to go through to get it. he isn't shown to be much of and interest with the ladies so much, more interested in his job that needs to be finished.

I have chosen in creating these character as they believed to be more of a strong suited characters that are able to be names that are more common to the style of film i am wishing to complete and having these names i am able to present and work with the characters in order to be able to build on them for them to be the Wright sort of people for our short film. 


How does your media product represent  particular social groups?

with our media group we wanted to not aim it a a particular social group as there are so many out there all with their own different opinions about films and how they see then, because everyone can all have a different interpretation towards a film they may see. with social group it is normally that nearly everyone in that group all have the same opinions towards things for example watching a film the probably all like a genre that maybe we are not showing so that the film wouldn't appeal to them. if I had to decided which social group i believe it would appeal to the most I think it would show more interest to the people that maybe are interested in crime or gangster related as they may have been involved within them selves or their just interested by it, I could appeal the more of a violent kind maybe in the scene they believe as it is crime related or believe the film will involve theft as well as other sorts of crime.